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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - formula


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Перевод с английского языка formula на русский

1) формула 2) уравнение 3) аналитическое выражение 4) состав, композиция – Bayes formula – Erlang formulas – Hartley formula – internode-tension formula – Nernst formula – Palm-Jacobeus formula – Sabine formula
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См. в других словарях

  1) рецепт 2) формула 3) формулировка 4) формульный approximate approximation formula — приближенная формула arithmetically provable formula — арифметически доказуемая формула arithmetically valid formula — арифметически общезначимая формула asymptotic expansion formula — формула асимптотического разложения ( функции) back interpolation formula — формула для интерполирования назад central difference formula — формула центральных разностей compound interest formula — формула сложных процентов computational computing formula — формула для вычислений conditionally filtering formula — условно фильтрующаяся формула correction corrector formula — поправочная формула effectively true formula — эффективно истинная формула enter into formula — входить в формулу explicitly definable formula — явно определимая формула first resolvent formula — первая резольвентная формула formally decidable formula — формально разрешимая формула formally refutable formula — формально опровержимая формула formula of finite increments — формула конечных приращений formula of total probability — формула полной вероятности formula of universal coefficients — формула универсальных коэффициентов forward interpolation formula — формула для интерполирования вперед fully symmetric formula — вполне симметричная формула general recursively true formula — общерекурсивно истинная формула geometrically provable formula —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  (pl formulas, formulae) 1) формула 2) юридическая формула, юридическая формулировка 3) рецепт 4) шаблон, стереотип – formula of invention – assumption formula – chemical formula – legal formula – multiclaim formula – prediction formula – single-claim formula ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  формула – antigenic formula – constitutional formula – dental formula – flower formula – Hardy formula – vertebral formula ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. формула legal formula —- юридическая формула "sincerely yours" is a formula used in letters —- "искренне ваш" - обычная формула в конце письма empirical formula —- эмпирическая формула they sought a formula that would allow settling of the dispute —- они искали формулировку (основу) для разрешения спора formula weight —- хим. молекулярная масса по формуле соединения to follow the formula —- описывается формулой 2. рецепт a formula for a cough mixture —- рецепт на микстуру от кашля drinking alcohol and driving is a formula for trouble —- образ. вести машину в состоянии опьянения - это верный способ заработать неприятность 3. молочная смесь (для грудных детей); детская смесь 4. догмат (религии) 5. шаблон, стереотип formula paintings —- стандартные, шаблонные картины 6. формула или класс (гоночного автомобиля) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun; pl. -as -ae  1) формула, формулировка  2) формула (в точных науках)  3) лозунг, доктрина  4) рецепт ...
Англо-русский словарь
  формула, уравнение состав, композиция Allen-Hazen formula approximation formula beam design formula bending formula calculation formula Chezy formula Converse-Labarre formula Darcy formula deflection formula design formula Dorr's formula driving formula dynamic formula efficiency formula empirical formula Engineering News formula Euler formula flexure formula Hiley's formula job-mix formula mortar formula pile driving formula rational pile formula recurrence formula weir formula ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) химическая формула 2) (математическая) формула; аналитическое выражение; уравнение 3) состав; композиция; рецептура formula with backward differences — интерполяционная формула Ньютона для интерполирования назад; formula with forward differences — интерполяционная формула Ньютона для интерполирования вперёд - addition formula - approximation formula - assumption formula - asymptotic formula - atomic structural formula - atomic formula - barometric height formula - basic formula - batch formula - Bayes formula - Bazin formula - chemical formula - Chezy formula - constitutional formula - cubature formula - cyclic formula - Darcy formula - design formula - differential formula - dimensional formula - double-angle formula - driving formula - electronic formula - empirical formula - Euler formula - expansion formula - half-angle formula - integral formula - interpolation formula - inversion formula - Laplace formula - lens formula - limit formula - molecular formula - mortar formula - Newton's backward interpolation formula - Newton's backward formula - Newton's forward interpolation formula - Newton's forward formula - Nyquist formula - pile capacity formula - Planck formula - primary formula - prismoidal formula - product formula - psychrometric formula - quadratic formula - quadrature formula - radio-transmission formula - Rankine formula - reciprocal formulas - rectangular formula - recurrence formula - reduction formula - regime formula - rubber-stock formula - sight-reduction formula - Stirling formula - Stokes formula - structural formula - transformation formula - trapezoidal formula - trapezoid formula - variational formula - variation formula - weir formula - working formula ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. formulas or (esp. in senses 1, 2) formulae) 1 Chem. a set of chemical symbols showing the constituents of a substance and their relative proportions. 2 Math. a mathematical rule expressed in symbols. 3 a a fixed form of words, esp. one used on social or ceremonial occasions. b a rule unintelligently or slavishly followed; an established or conventional usage. c a form of words embodying or enabling agreement, resolution of a dispute, etc. 4 a a list of ingredients; a recipe. b US an infant's food made up from a recipe. 5 a classification of racing car, esp. by the engine capacity. Derivatives formulaic adj. formularize v.tr. (also -ise). formulize v.tr. (also -ise). Etymology: L, dimin. of forma FORM ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural -las or ~e)  Etymology: Latin, diminutive of forma form  Date: 1618  1.  a. a set form of words for use in a ceremony or ritual  b. a conventionalized statement intended to express some fundamental truth or principle especially as a basis for negotiation or action  2.  a.  (1) recipe  (2) prescription  b. a milk mixture or substitute for feeding an infant  3.  a. a general fact, rule, or principle expressed in usually mathematical symbols  b. a symbolic expression of the chemical composition or constitution of a substance  c. a group of symbols (as letters and numbers) associated to express facts or data (as the number and kinds of teeth in the jaw) concisely  d. a combination of signs in a logical calculus  4. a customary or set form or method allowing little room for originality  • ~ic adjective  • ~ically adverb  II. adjective  Date: 1951 of, relating to, or being an open-wheel open-cockpit rear-engine racing car conforming to prescribed specifications as to size, weight, and engine displacement ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (formulae, or formulas) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A formula is a plan that is invented in order to deal with a particular problem. It is difficult to imagine how the North and South could ever agree on a formula to unify the divided peninsula. ...a peace formula. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. A formula for a particular situation, usually a good one, is a course of action or a combination of actions that is certain or likely to result in that situation. Clever exploitation of the latest technology would be a sure formula for success... = recipe N-SING: N for n 3. A formula is a group of letters, numbers, or other symbols which represents a scientific or mathematical rule. He developed a mathematical formula describing the distances of the planets from the Sun. N-COUNT 4. In science, the formula for a substance is a list of the amounts of various substances which make up that substance, or an indication of the atoms that it is composed of. N-COUNT 5. Formula is a powder which you mix with water to make artificial milk for babies. ...bottles of formula. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural formulas or formulae 1 a method or set of principles that you use to solve a problem or to make sure that something is successful  (We're still searching for a peace formula.) + for  (The two sides worked out an acceptable formula for settling the strike.) magic formula (=a method that is certain to be successful)  (There's no magic formula for a happy marriage.) 2 a series of numbers or letters that represent a mathematical or scientific rule  (the formula for calculating distance) 3 a list of the substances used to make a medicine, fuel1 (1), drink etc, showing the amounts of each substance that should be used  (Coca-Cola's patented formula) 4 Formula One/Two/Three etc a type of car racing, in which the different types are based on the size of the cars' engines  (a Formula One car) 5 AmE a type of liquid food for babies that is similar to milk 6 a fixed and familiar series of words that seems meaningless or insincere  (a speech full of the usual formulas and cliches) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1638, from L. formula "form, rule, method, formula," lit. "small form," dim. of forma "form." Originally, "words used in a ceremony or ritual." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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